Support Vector Machine

Cost Function

J_\Theta=C\sum{[y * cost_1(\Theta^TX)+(1-y) * cost_0(\Theta^TX)]}+\frac{1}{2} * \sum{\Theta^2}


Differences with logistic cost function:

  • Replace sigmoid() with cost_1() and cost_0()
  • No \frac{1}{m}
  • Instead of \lambda on regulation, C is used (can be treated like C=\frac{1}{\lambda} )

Large Margin Classifier

SVM will maximize the margin to allow variance in test data. Also, it will ignore outliers when C is not too large.

Math behind: Since cost_1 and cost_0 requires \Theta’*X to be significant, and regularization requires ||\Theta|| to be small, ||projection X \rightarrow \Theta|| would be large, which is the margin.

( \Theta’* X = X’ * \Theta’ = ||projection X \rightarrow \Theta||* ||\Theta|| )

(||x|| denotes the length of vector, and it can be negative)


Kernel is used to perform non linear classification, by using attributes given by kerneling function instead of raw attributes.

Kernel function will calculate the similarity of a data to another(landmark), from 0 to 1(similar).

  • Gaussian Kernel